Discover sensory body experiences from Sothys Paris and be tempted by sensory body treatments consisting of wonderful fragrant essences. Every unique ritual, either Specialized, Personalized or Seasonal Treatment, offers maximum rest and sensual relaxation with a subtle aromatic fragrance, guaranteeing escape from reality to the world of peace and tranquility!
Before every massage or body treatment you may relax your body and mind by staying in the infrared sauna or having machine shiatsu foot massage. We will also offer you Ayurvedic tea to relax your muscles and a bowl of dried fruit to replenish your energy.
Relaxing ritual with a beautiful scent of cherry buds and lotus in the style of Japanese culture. Gentle treatment includes a rice powder peeling, a relaxing foot massage and a relaxing full body massage.
60 min = 50€
Special body treatment inspired by the Orient. Exceptional treatment, which in addition to smoothing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin affects the energy balance. A brand-new massage technique that relieves body tension, facilitates overall relaxation and also combines elements of stretching and mobilization.
75 min = 65€
Flat stomach, formed thighs, firm butt, stretched skin without stretch marks… The exclusive procedure with targeted effectiveness and sensory experience includes peeling for blood circulation in the skin, massage targeted onto problematic parts and slimming wrap.
80 min = 80€
Relaxing ritual with a beautiful scent of cherry buds and lotus in the style of Japanese culture. Gentle treatment includes a rice powder peeling, a relaxing foot massage and a relaxing full body massage.
Special body treatment inspired by the Orient. Exceptional treatment, which in addition to smoothing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin affects the energy balance. A brand-new massage technique that relieves body tension, facilitates overall relaxation and also combines elements of stretching and mobilization.
Flat stomach, formed thighs, firm butt, stretched skin without stretch marks… The exclusive procedure with targeted effectiveness and sensory experience includes peeling for blood circulation in the skin, massage targeted onto problematic parts and slimming wrap.
60 min = 50€
75 min = 65€
80 min = 80€
Uvoľňujúci rituál s nádhernou vôňou čerešňových púčikov a lotosu v štýle japonskej kultúry. Jemné ošetrenie zahŕňa píling z ryžového púdru, relaxačnú masáž chodidiel a relaxačnú masáž celého tela.
60 min = 50€
Uvoľňujúci rituál s nádhernou vôňou čerešňových púčikov a lotosu v štýle japonskej kultúry. Jemné ošetrenie zahŕňa píling z ryžového púdru, relaxačnú masáž chodidiel a relaxačnú masáž celého tela.
60 min = 50€